Distribution of Vitamins to IDPs in Lviv: pregnant women, lactating women and young children

Refugee women very often do not worry about their health. Specifically, pregnant women and women with newborn babies need more attention to their health and the health of their children.

Many women do not know details about the condition or status of their health.

That is why Community Self-Help and Japanese partners - Japan Platform (JPF, MOFA Funding) and Japan Agency for Development and Emergency (JADE) decided to support Ukrainian IDPs with special vitamins for pregnant women and women with newborns and children.

NGO Community Self-Help implements the project "Distribution of Vitamins to IDPs in Lviv: pregnant women, lactating women and young children" in Lviv together with the Japan Agency for Development and Emergency (JADE) with the financial support of the Japan Platform (JPF, MOFA Funding).

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