Meaningful Child Participation: The Foundation of Effective Psychosocial Support

The level of child involvement significantly impacts the quality and evaluation of psychological services. To ensure effective psychosocial support, it’s essential to prioritize meaningful, rather than formal, participation by children and their caregivers.

What are the foundations of meaningful participation?

🟡 A safe and open environment where every participant feels their voice matters.

🟡 Activities and games that encourage interaction, creativity, and self-expression.

🟡 Feedback mechanisms that allow activities to be adjusted to meet participants’ needs.

By ensuring these conditions, children and caregivers can actively participate in planning, decision-making, and implementing activities.

What is non-meaningful participation?

🔴 Tokenistic ("for show").

🔴 Performative.

🔴 Manipulative.

🔴 Reflects biases about children’s lack of interest or expertise.

🔴 Lacks reliable feedback mechanisms.

To evaluate the level of engagement, Roger Hart’s "Ladder of Participation" from his book "Children’s Participation: From Tokenism to Citizenship" can be used. This model consists of eight levels, reflecting the degree of child involvement in MHPSS activities in communities.

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