Intensive Group Therapy Training: 'You Are Not Alone. Support Alongside

The NGO 'Community Self-Help' in collaboration with partners, is organizing an Intensive Group Therapy Training titled 'You Are Not Alone. Support Alongside,' continuing its support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in qualitative, internationally recognized, and scientifically proven methods of providing psychosocial support to military personnel and their families.

In today's world, where stress, anxiety, and depression are becoming increasingly prevalent issues, the role of group therapy becomes exceedingly important. This initiative aims to provide participants with the opportunity to exchange experiences, express their emotions and thoughts in an open and supportive group atmosphere. Through interaction with like-minded individuals and professional psychologist trainers, participants will find support and understanding in complex life situations and will be better equipped to assist others effectively.

The training program is developed considering the most effective techniques of group therapy. Participants will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with various self-regulation techniques, restore psychological comfort, and develop a positive direction in life. Each stage of the training is aimed at improving emotional well-being and increasing the level of psychological resilience.

The printing of materials, program, and certificates has been completed, and participants eagerly await the start of the event to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of mutual support and growth. In the following posts, we will introduce the partners, trainers, and participants of the training.

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