Began to distribution vitamins for a long period of time to IDPs in Lviv: pregnant women, lactating women and young children in the "Unbreakable Mothers" center

As part of the project "Distribution of Vitamins to IDPs in Lviv: pregnant women, lactating women and young children", which is implemented by the NGO "Communities Self-Help" together with the Japan Agency for Development and Emergency (JADE) with the financial support of the Japan Platform (JPF, MOFA Funding) – vitamins have already begun to be received pregnant, lactating women and children in the "Unbreakable Mothers" center.

"Born and nurtured" by the desire of those who care about helping people in need, this project is one of the stories of people helping people. We express our sincere gratitude for the partnership and support of JPF, personally Hiroto Tanaka and Francesca Cerletti. In cooperation with these extraordinary people and thanks to their initiative to directly support people who need increased attention to their health - we are now able to provide long-term forcibly displaced pregnant women, nursing mothers and children with vitamins to support their health and well-being.

The necessary vitamins for the project were quickly and professionally helped to select and promptly delivered by the DSN group team. The DSN group - international distributor from Ukraine, who managed to prove themselves as reliable partners, because Francesca Cerletti turned to them. It should be noted that since the beginning of Russia's full-scale military aggression against Ukraine, the DSN group has been actively helping our country restore peace as soon as possible.

NGO Community Self-Help implements the project "Distribution of Vitamins to IDPs in Lviv: pregnant women, lactating women and young children" in Lviv together with the Japan Agency for Development and Emergency (JADE) with the financial support of the Japan Platform (JPF, MOFA Funding).

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