A volunteer of the NGO "Community Self-Help" continues to treat about 15-20 veterans with acupuncture every day

Kateryna Chizayeva, volunteer of the NGO "Community Self-Help", Ukrainian-American acupuncturist, who continues to treat about 15-20 veterans with acupuncture every day at the Kyiv State Hospital for Veterans "Lisova Polyana".

Kateryna conducts group and individual sessions of acupuncture.There are so many people who need Kateryna's help that she stayed in Ukraine, changing her plans to return to the United States. She continues to provide assistance to war veterans and their close relatives undergoing rehabilitation in a medical facility.

I see positive reactions to my treatments, from relaxation to improved sleep, reduced pain, improved mood and emotional well-being. Acupuncture is definitely a great addition to basic rehabilitation and mental health care," says Katya Chizayeva.

Volunteers of the NGO "Community Self-Help" contribute their skills and strength to help and create opportunities for support for others. Each of you can participate. Any help is very important - it helps save lives. Make a contribution

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